Ghertner & Company associates continue to make a positive impact in the community through some very interesting ways. Damon Morris, Community Association Manager, was recently involved in working with other pilots to help the local American Heritage Girls troop TN2237 from Columbia, TN, earn their Aviation badge. Seventeen girls participated, along with many parents, in learning about the “four forces of flight” followed by actual airplane rides.
Realizing the value of investing in the next generation, Ghertner & Company covered the cost of the fuel for the day’s events on both airplanes. Chad Frey, who helped coordinate the event as a parent shares, “We would like to thank Damon Morris, James Carbine and Ghertner & Company from the bottom of our hearts for their kindness to our community, their time spent educating our girls and hopefully instilling a love for aviation for some future aviators!”
American Heritage girls is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. The girls, ages 5 to 18 earn badges in six different frontiers of skill.